Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Help project #3

For my last help project, I have been helping set up for all the dances so far and I'm also helping set up for the valentines party. The objective of this project is to give students from all classes the oppertunity to get together and meet eachother. The valentine party is less formal then a dance and it's still a chance to see everyone and just have fun. Our goal as a leaderclass is to become leaders and learn how to become a good leader and I think that setting up for these kinds of ASB events shows our leadership. It also helps to build school spirit so studnents attedning this school can learn and have fun. For both the dance I have stayed after school to help finish setting up (making posters, setting tables, making decorations). Right now I'm also helping make decorations for the Valentine party in 2 weeks. I helped Sarah cut out hearts of different sizes and put glitter on them in different patterns so all of them look cute and unique in their own little ways.

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